"Numachi II" immerses viewers in the enchanting beauty of a marsh at twilight. The intricate layering of reeds, water reflections, and soft foliage creates a mesmerizing tapestry of colors. The warm yellows and cool blues blend seamlessly, evoking a sense of serene stillness. The artist's keen attention to detail bring this tranquil wetland to life, capturing its quiet elegance in a beautifully harmonious composition. A captivating glimpse into nature's hidden world.
Choose from custom box mounted pieces or archival prints suitable for framing.
BOX MOUNTED PIECES are available. The archival print is mounted to a custom, handcrafted cradle frame. Hand textured with clear acrylic for a brushstroke finish and UV protection. Ready to hang.
LIMITED EDITION PRINTS on fine art cotton fiber paper using pigment inks for maximum long-term archival quality. Limited edition of 50 in each size.
Custom sizes available by request on all prints and ready to hang pieces. Multi-panel pieces can be created from the artwork to fit a specific space.