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Art Buyers
A couple of my wonderful and - interesting buyers - at Bellevue Art Festival, Bellevue, WA, 2016. They have a fabulous home in Seattle and the perfect spot for my collage titled, "Eastbound".
Explanation Board
I love to interact with all of the people (can be hundreds of people a day) and tell the story of my journey as an artist and the process I use to create my work. I have an unusual process of photography and mixed media, when people find this out, they are often surprised initially thinking my pieces are paintings! I use an explanation board, shown here, to help some visualize my process.
Art Festivals out of Town
I have been as far as Scottsdale AZ and Sausalito CA for Art Fairs. I found it to be incredibly stressful driving that far (and back) doing the long hours of the show , sometimes 10 am to 9 pm, and the amount of money spent on hotels, food and gas. I only do shows I’m juried into in Portland, Seattle and Salem now. We don’t take vacations during the year, so we consider the art festivals ‘working vacations’ and that justifies money spent on nicer hotels and fine food to pamper ourselves from all of the hard work- and...
Setting Up During an Art Festival
The shows are usually in the summer so the weather can be hot even early in the morning. You hope you are able to park, temporarily, fairly close to your booth (If not, you carry or cart everything from a distance to your booth, with many back and forth trips). I am so grateful my husband, Michael and son help me set up, it would be a daunting task without them. They can also relieve me and watch my booth while I get something to eat or take a break, which is essential to staying on top of your game...
The Art Fair Booth
For the booth, a RAIN-proof tent ( I say this because one year it rained very hard overnight, I had art pre-hung in the booth and I lost half of my inventory to water damage before the show had even begun- heartbreaking!) is the first to be set up and sometimes needs to be creatively shimmed on uneven ground and staked or weighted for potential wind. Large, unwieldy Pro-Panels to hang the art on are then set up, lighting system hung, commerce table with all supplies (you don’t want to forget any of these items or you’ll be looking for...